It is hereby certified that the Web presence of:

L & Ll Comunicación, s.l.

In the URL:

It has been approved by the Regulation Board of the Internet Quality Certificate (IQC), based on the rules of Legality, Safety and Quality established by the Board and which are reflected in its Quality Manual.

The type of Certificate obtained is:

total, l, s, q

Approval Certificate no: 1042

Approval date: 30/05/2019

Certificate valid until: 10/06/2026

This Certification is valid as long as there are no changes that affect the Certification parameters considered in the audit performed on the web (copy of which we store in our files), and therefore affect compliance with the Legality and the parameters of quality and safety that have been defined.

In Alcoi, on May, 30th 2019

By IQC Regulatory Board